There is already a problem in the relationship between the individual and alcohol. To help identify some signs, check out our infographic: 7 signs that your family member may be drug addicted and in need of help . A qualified professional can help the codependent individual or family , if the person initially denies the problem (which is very common), to identify situations of use, such as mild, moderate or severe alcohol dependence. From there, it will be studied whether or not there is a need for treatment and how this treatment should be carried out.Change: a possibility and a way out published on february 9, 2017 I once heard a story called “processionary caterpillars”, I don’t know who wrote it, but it was presented to me by prof. Dr. Paulo sergio emerique. The story is about caterpillars that walk looking at.
Each other's butt, but once, a researcher placed the head of the leader, that is, the first, on the butt of the last, thus forming a circle of caterpillars. In the center of this circle, he placed a pot with the best treats that a caterpillar of this species could want and need. However, processionaries have the characteristic of never abandoning this process, of moving from the tail of the one in front of them. They walked for seven days and seven nights, and they weakened until they died, that's right, they died next Country Email List to the pot that contained everything they needed and loved. There are people who live their entire lives like the aforementioned caterpillars, but not just in the sense of not leaving their comfort zone, also in the sense of spending their entire lives with conflicts and disastrous repetitions, without paying attention to the possibility of change.
Often, the fear of breaking routine, of leaving our comfort zone, hides a jar full of goodies next to us and even not far from us. But appearances can be deceiving, as what we imagine to be extremely far away is not always so far away. It is possible that your comfort zone is in reality a large zone of discomfort, keeping conflicts alive in your life that can be changed and improved. The comfort zone of the caterpillars was the butt of their lead partner and it was precisely this that made them suffer until the end. The fear of looking from another angle, that is, of changing the script, was his greatest tormentor. Have you ever stopped to think about the fears, conflicts, problems, difficulties, limitations (or supposed limitations) you carry? And if you don't do something really different, will you carry it until the last day of your life.