At the beginning of the school year, we think and talk a lot about what children should be taught to give them a decent start in life. This is not an easy task, because with a high degree of probability, new generations will realize themselves in professions that do not yet exist today.
Futurologists from leading universities make predictions about the professions of the near future. We have studied the main trends and offer an approximate list of in-demand virtual phone number service professions in the next 20-30 years.
Professions of the Future – What Specialists Will Be in Demand in 20 Years. Photo 1
What do scientists mean by professions of the future?
A bit of theory: researchers understand the professions of the future as jobs and specializations that are at the intersection of several disciplines and that will appear on the labor market in 15-20 years. They will complement or replace existing ones.
For example, we are promised that in the coming decades, cargo will be transported using unmanned vehicles. Consequently, the truck driver will be replaced by a specialist who will develop routes, monitor the execution of tasks, and service unmanned vehicles. Perhaps a profession of “drone operator” will appear on the market, and in the field of jurisprudence – a specialization related to unmanned transport. Lawyers are already stepping into the future, since right now many countries are working on creating a legislative framework related to the use of Artificial Intelligence.
Why Keep an Eye on the Jobs of the Future
According to the Jobs of Tomorrow report, presented in 2020 at the World Economic Forum, in 2035, more than 75 million people in the world may be left without work due to robotics and automation. Oxford scientists in the report THE FUTURE OF EMPLOYMENT: HOW SUSCEPTIBLE ARE JOBS TO COMPUTERISATION? make a reasonable assumption that robots and “smart” mechanisms will perform half of all routine work in the world in 15-20 years, noting that a probable technological breakthrough can significantly reduce these periods.
Sociological surveys provide data: more than half (53%) of those employed today are confident that their work will change significantly or become obsolete in the next ten years, and 77% will retrain and change professions. It turns out that established specialists will have to start learning additional skills or getting a new specialty. And those who are just thinking about career guidance need to gain knowledge in several areas.
Professions of the Future – What Specialists Will Be in Demand in 20 Years. Photo 2
How to Know Which Direction to Move In
Forecasting the demand for professions requires taking into account many factors: economic trends, scientific discoveries, demographic shifts, political changes, and even global catastrophes. It is not easy to draw conclusions on your own. Use reports from analytical companies and international organizations such as McKinsey, PwC, the World Economic Forum, Gartner, the OECD, and others. They often contain forecasts regarding the labor market, including a list of professions that are likely to be in demand in the future.
Consider global challenges such as climate change, aging populations, urban growth, food and water needs, which create a demand for new solutions and, accordingly, for professionals who can solve these problems.
For example, the need for renewable energy specialists or health care workers may increase due to population growth and climate change.
In the future, skills such as creative thinking, emotional intelligence, flexibility, data skills, and interdisciplinary skills are likely to be in demand. Jobs that require these skills may be in the spotlight in 20 years, regardless of the industry.
Keep an eye on what areas and disciplines are becoming more popular at the world's leading universities. Often, educational institutions adapt to future market needs by offering new programs and courses.